All patient information is considered confidential and we comply fully with the Data Protection Act 2018/General Data Protection Regulations 2018 to keep patients’ confidential data safe and secure. Employees who have access to this information in relation to their role are bound by a signed confidentiality agreement. Relevant information may be shared within the multi-disciplinary health care team and to other health care professionals to whom a patient is referred. These individuals have a professional and contractual duty of confidentiality.
Confidential and identifiable information relating to patients will not be disclosed to other individuals without the patient’s explicit consent (unless ordered to do so by court order or where it is in the public interest to do so to prevent harm).
The Data Protection Act 2018/General Data Protection Regulations 2018 and the Access to Health Records Act 1990 allow a patient to access information held in their medical records and those of someone who has died (in some circumstances). A patient wishing to see medical records, or be provided with copies, should complete our medical report request form.