Statement of intent
Aims and objectives
- To provide the best quality primary care service possible for our patients within a confidential and professional environment, working within local and national governance guidance and regulations.
- The employers and all staff at the Lakenham Surgery are committed to ensuring that infection prevention and control measures are paramount in providing a safe environment and minimising the risk of infection to ensure the safety of patients, staff and visitors.
- To remain committed to meeting the health needs of all our patients.
- To ensure the practice adheres to equality and diversity principles and to show our patients courtesy and respect at all times irrespective or ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of the health problem in an environment which is accessible, safe and friendly.
- To focus on health promotion and wellbeing, and prevention of disease by being pro-active in offering care and advice and information to our patients.
- To endeavour to involve patients in decision making about their treatment and care in order to create a positive patient experience and understanding of the options available to them.
- To treat patients as individuals, providing the same respect and level of care we would want for ourselves or members of our families.
- To involve other health care professionals in the care of our patients where it is in their best interest, providing an informed choice to suit the patient’s needs in respect of referrals.
- To work in partnership with other agencies / allied health care professionals where it is in the best interest of the patient to tackle the causes of health issues and obtain additional care and advice.
- To continually aim to improve the healthcare services we provide to our patients through learning, monitoring and auditing our provision of care and services.
- To establish and improve upon services aimed at specific patient population groups – e.g. older people, those who may be vulnerable, those with long term conditions, and those experiencing poor mental health.
- To ensure that all members of the staff are fully supported, and have the right skills and appropriate training in order to carry out their duties competently, maintaining a record of their training plan and certificated learning undertaken.
- To ensure confidentiality at all times, ensuring that practice staff maintain robust information governance systems.
- To protect staff members against abuse by operating a zero tolerance on all forms of abuse.
- To encourage our patients to participate in annual patient surveys and other questionnaires, providing the opportunity to comment and feedback on the services provided and to help shape the service we provide in the future.
- To operate on a financially sound basis.
Page published: 11 February 2025
Last updated: 11 February 2025