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Surgery clinics

Lakenham Surgery provides a wide range of clinics and services for everyone registered with the practice which includes patients of all ages, ethnic backgrounds and medical conditions.. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Adult vaccinations and holiday advice


Immunisations are available to our patients from October up to Christmas. We particularly recommend that patients with diabetes, chest complaints, heart disease or other serious illnesses should have these, as should anyone over the age of 65. View more details about influenza.


Norfolk is a high risk area and we do advise all patients to consider this.

Find out more about vaccinations at the surgery.

Cervical cytology

Smear tests are available for women, to look for changes which occur before cervical cancer develops. These are normally carried out by the nurses.

We have a computerised recall system. We recommend all women up to the age of 65 should have regular smear tests – they are very important.

Child health clinics

All of our doctors are qualified to assess child development and these checks are carried out by the doctors and health visitors at fixed times, up until your child starts school. You will be sent an appointment letter to attend one of these clinics, but if you are concerned in any way about your child’s health please see the health visitor or doctor.

Childhood immunisations

The nurses and health visitors will advise you of these. We do provide the full range of vaccinations which includes triple vaccine, Hib vaccine, MMR and rubella.

Family planning

We are able to give advice and provide a fully comprehensive contraceptive service.

Health promotion

Our nurses run specialised clinics aimed at encouraging a healthier lifestyle and also to provide help and advice for patients with asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure. If the doctor considers that you could benefit from attending one of these clinics, you may receive an invitation.

If you wish to give up smoking, you may self refer to our stop smoking clinic which is held every Tuesday morning. Please ask at reception for more details.


All of our doctors offer a maternity service.

Minor injury

As well as the normal range of services you would expect us to provide we are able to deal with minor injuries such as:

  • sprains and strains
  • wound infections
  • minor burns and scalds
  • minor head injuries
  • insect and animal bites
  • minor eye injuries

Our minor injuries service is open to all of our patients, including children.

Minor surgery

Doctor Ochuko Emore undertakes this service and carries out removal of minor lumps and bumps. You will be invited back for a longer appointment if the doctor feels it is necessary.


To save visits to the hospital, we can take blood samples here each weekday morning.

Pre-pregnancy advice

If you are thinking of starting a family, the doctors, nurses and health visitors are available to give help and advice about diet, smoking, immunity against rubella (German measles), and to answer any queries you may have.

Smoking cessation advice

Our stop smoking adviser holds clinics at the surgery each Tuesday. The advisor is from Smokefree Norfolk, the local NHS service designed to support people who are looking to stop smoking.

To book an appointment to see an advisor please contact Smokefree Norfolk on 0800 0854 113. Alternatively Smokefree Norfolk does offer evening appointments within the city.

Further information is available on the Smokefree Norfolk website.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 11 February 2025